
Vagabrothers Donostian pintxotan

Marko eta Alex Ayling, ezizenez Vagabrothers, San Diego, California-koak dira. 2014ko urtarrilaren 20an sartu ziren YouTube-n “Anarchism in Barcelona: The Bank and the Bike Shop (Part 2/2). bideoarekin… YouTube-n biral bihurtu zuten lehen bideoa “Travel Tips: Packing Hacks, Tips & Essentials,” da, eta 2022ko uztailean 1,7 milioi ikustaldi baino gehiago bildu ditu. YouTube-n dituzten bideo ezagunak “Top 10 MOST BEAUTIFUL Places in IRELAND” eta “Jamaica Virtual Vacation-Rastafarians & Maroons”. Hala ere, orain arteko bideorik ezagunena “31 INSANELY AFFORDABLE Budget Travel Destinations to VISIT NOW” da, 10 milioi ikustaldi dauzkana. Hemen euren PINTXOS IN SAN SEBASTIÁN-DONOSTIA bideoa:

VAGABROTHERS: We’re Marko and Alex Ayling, brothers, backpackers, and bloggers on a mission to explore the world through its people. Winners of My Destination’s global travel-video competition “The Biggest, Baddest, Bucket List” which paid us to travel the world for six months, checking off our travel bucket list and documenting the adventure on YouTube. See the full BBBTV web-series here: http://bit.ly/1kDkPtB



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